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What is a VDR System?

The VDR (Voyage Data Recorder), is the maritime counterpart to the black box utilized by airlines. The system is typically two-part, comprising an data collection unit that is attached to a protective capsule on deck designed to withstand fire, deep-sea pressure and shock, as well as penetration. It’s used to record incidents of navigation, but it can also provide valuable information to analyze damage from heavy weather and monitoring performance as well as crew training.


Many ships with VDR/SVDR meet the minimum requirements of regulatory compliance. However, members are encouraged to use the equipment to record near missed events, conduct investigations into incidents, and for preventive maintenance. There are also programs that allow for an extension of the period for which VDR data will be available beyond the minimum of 12 hours. It is important to make a decision taken as to whether or not to upgrade the equipment.

The system is built around an industrial grade computer that is able to perform various functions, including processing and encoding data that is gathered from the sensors. The capsule is designed to survive any incident and also store the data. The primary components of the VDR system comprise a data collection unit, which is situated on the http://www.digitaldealdataroom.info bridge, a separate power source and an interface unit, as well as batteries for backup. The unit gathers all data from integrated sources including microphones for recording bridge audio and transmits it to a Concentrator, where a set of NMEA 0183 sentence is read and coded to be sent to the final recorded media.

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