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How to Answer Interview Questions About Working Remotely

Communicating well may be the most important skill a candidate can have in a work setting. While that’s definitely true for an in-office setting, remote teams lack the ease of in-person collaboration. Strong communication skills and practices are more essential than ever. Be sure to spend some time on this in your remote job interviews. As someone who has been working remotely for some time now, I can tell you that if you’re thinking of applying for remote jobs right now, go for it. I was skeptical before I took the plunge, not because of the move to remote work but because I had no idea what I’d be asked in my interview.

  • People might be working from different countries, from completely different timezones.
  • A home is a special thing — it’s where you live, rest, and spend time with people you love.
  • Obviously, when you work from home, you’re not around as many people in contrast to working in an office setting.
  • At first, when I started working from home, I felt blessed, I did my work with top-notch efficiency.

Let them know that you’ve put some effort into how you’ve organized your home office. Give a clear picture of how you will work and why it will be a quiet and productive space. Mention what technology you’re skilled with that will help you in remote positions.

How do you go about prioritizing tasks?

It can be, but it doesn’t have to be; the key here is communication. A home is a special thing — it’s where you live, rest, and spend time with people you love. Now, thanks to the chaos of 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic home is also where people work. You can always add more questions that are specific to your needs. Remote work requires you to use a lot of different software.

  • Be honest about your passion and hobbies, even if you think they’re unusual.
  • Ask questions about how and why they do things the way they do.
  • “Candidates should demonstrate an awareness of how caustic conflict can become if unresolved in a remote environment,” Leech says.
  • The interviewer is trying to gauge if you’re a good cultural fit for the company.

Time to get real; an employer wants to know if working remotely is even an option for you. Is it closed off from the rest of the house and background noise? Do you have kids at home right now that are going to need attention? Put the emphasis on your ability to structure your time for work and keeping home distractions, like the kids, pets, and laundry, out of office hours. You can also explain how you will make use of lunchtime and the time you save by not having to commute.

What Is Your Approach to Maintaining Effective Communication and Collaboration With a Distributed Team?

When asked this question, you can talk about how you’ll take advantage of technology to have virtual meetings with your colleagues. Whether it’s a project or just a break, tools like Skype, Zoom, https://remotemode.net/ and Slack can help you host video calls and chat channels with your colleagues. You’ll often get some variation of this question during the interview process—whether for a remote job or not.

You can talk about how you take small breaks during your workday. Maybe reading or taking a walk helps you rejuvenate your energy and mental blocks during challenging tasks and projects. You can also talk about how virtual conversations with coworkers during breaks will be a good option for you to collaborate and  co-motivate during important projects. While remote work comes with benefits like saving commute time and global opportunities for you, it also comes with some loneliness, especially if you like to be around people. That’s why this question is a common one in work from home interviews.

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I’m around a number of other startups and software companies that are thinking about some of the same challenges I do on a daily basis. My personal work environment is very light, white and clean. I’m a bit of a neat freak and fan of the paperless office environment.

tell us about your experience in a work from home environment.

A lot of those attributes will need to come from within the WFH employee. That means WFH employees have to be extra disciplined and organized, manage working hours, and be relentlessly determined to make it work best for their employer and themselves. In addition to making a match between yourself and the job, be prepared to discuss why you want to work remotely and how you are equipped to do so. The interviewer will want to know about your workspace, computer, internet connection, familiarity with communications software and apps, and other technology you may need to know to do the job.

Working from home is considered a great advantage, plus if you have flexible working hours, you have made a really great working arrangement for yourself. When I was starting to work from home, I was wondering what is the employee experience from other people who are working from home. I did some research at first, and then with my experience working from home over the years I have to say, you have to be prepared for everything that follows.

  • Let them know that you’ve put some effort into how you’ve organized your home office.
  • Also, there are your colleagues who will remind you of the lunchtime.
  • Make sure you describe a detailed plan for boosting communication channels between stakeholders.
  • I find that having these group tools is very useful as it helps keep us on the same page, even though I personally prefer to use different software.
  • It also became clear that while some people needed little more than an email describing the task, others required more of a face-to-face style explanation in the form of video chats.

You should get ready to answer work from home interview questions just as you would for an in-office interview. But there are simply a few additional steps you need to take. They’re a necessary evil if you want to get the job you desire, and for many people nowadays that means something home-based. This list of work from home interview questions is designed to help work from home experience you to prepare. If you’re a job seeker preparing for an interview, this article will guide you through how to talk about your skills and experience in a way that clearly communicates your value to an interviewer. You’ll also find “tell me about your work experience” sample answers, as well as the different forms this question might take in a job interview.

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